Course Objectives

  • To offer a practical bridge from deepening one’s own practice to beginning the process of finding one’s own voice as a meditation teacher.

  • To demonstrate key foundational teaching skills: organization, pacing, sequencing, themes, embodiment and resonance.

  • To describe and practice the interconnections between contemplative movement and stillness.

  • To apply the tenets of mindfulness, including compassion training, to modern life.

  • To articulate current research, including symptom reduction, biological markers, and neuroplasticity.

  • To explore the issues of social justice, racism, and diversity as it pertains to the practice and teaching of mindfulness.

  • To examine the emerging role of psychedelics and mindfulness.

  • To observe the effects of a meditation practice on different people at different levels of practice.

  • To provide the support and accountability inherent in community learning.

  • To develop leadership skills within sangha.

Course Requirements

The following are required for certification:

  • Attendance 2 full weekends March 3rd-5th and April 21st-23rd. (34 hours)

    • Friday 5:30pm-8:30pm, Saturday & Sunday 10:00am-6:00pm

  • Community teaching- optional (1 hour)

  • Attend 20 drop-in meditation classes (10 hours)
    (included in the cost of tuition)

  • Completion of 20-day program of daily reflections based on the Lojong Slogans (10 hours)