40-Hour Prenatal and Postnatal Teacher Training

In this 40 hour comprehensive training we will look at the complete arc of pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal & early-parenthood period and learn to support individuals using yoga, self-massage, breath work, meditation and restorative yoga throughout and beyond this journey.

You will thoroughly explore how pregnancy, childbirth and caring for an infant affects the physical body, nervous system and will provide effective tools, practices and common modifications for asana to address common areas of discomfort and provide support/relief. You will also learn how to effectively sequence classes for prenatal, postnatal and parent & baby, as well as when working with private clients.

Our integrated approach will allow for a combination of theoretical learning as well as practical application including the opportunity to teach/assist two in-studio classes, with feedback from core faculty.

This training is suitable for anyone who is interested in pregnancy, birth and beyond, including; experienced yoga teachers looking to expand their teaching offerings, or those learning how to support individuals in their regular drop-in classes, as well as individuals who are curious for their own natal journey or personal practice.

Spring 2023 Dates:

The program will run in-studio only unless Public Health Regulations announcements are made.

April 28, 2023 to June 4, 2023

2 Weekends:

Fri. 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Sat. & Sun. 10am-6pm

  • Friday April 28 - Sunday April 30

  • Friday June 2 - Sunday June 4

2 Teaching Practicum Classes